Tag Archives: Belt

Trick Belt: Follow up

So. I’ve been thinking… and you know how badly that can turn out. Hah. Ok. Actually, this was a good brainstorming day. Turns out, you can put both your wrists and ankles in the Trick Belt from Leatherbeaten (thanks to Jess for tying me up. <3) . Holy crap. Best thing ever. Everybody NEEDS one.

I could not move to save my life. I was left rolling around on the floor. It was ridiculous.



and a close up for your enjoyment. (please excuse the hairy toes and whatnot)

can't move AT ALL

and in case you’ve forgotten, this is my review from earlier, and you can get your own belt here.


Filed under Uncategorized

Trick Belt

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Pros: Freakin’ awesome idea. Can be used on wrists, ankles, and some thighs.
Cons: Watch out if you have metal allergies!

You know you want one.

For 10% off, enter the coupon code LUBE. Hooray for discounts.


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