Tag Archives: Discrimination

Vulvapalooza: Fail

Last night, I went out to a UVA event called Vulvapalooza. There was a fantastic performance of The Vagina Monologues. There was a “Pin the clitoris on the vagina” game (I totally rocked that btw.). There was a postsecret bulletin board about our vagina secrets. I wrote something along the lines of “My vagina won’t bite” and this guy next to me wrote something about how he just saw a vagina for the first time yesterday. “Just looked. Didn’t touch,” he said. Automatic friend.

If I’ve never mentioned enough, Charlottesville is ridiculous when it comes to closed mindedness. Especially the kids at UVA. I’m really glad that the event existed, and some people were making an effort, but really, it was awkward. I think I was the only one there that was honestly excited about vaginas. After the Vagina Monologues, I was eavesdropping on some people, and most of them said that the whole thing made them really uncomfortable. The whole LGBTQ table was empty. I hung around there for a while, but the representative didn’t even show up. There was a table for safe sex, but nothing about the sexual activities of people with “alternative lifestyles.” Most people looked at me like I was from a different planet. I’m sure they’ve seen gay guys, but not many lesbians.

Speaking of which (sorry my thought process is a little jumpy), I went out to a party the other night where there were students from Virginia Tech and UVA. My best friend goes to Tech and she said she has never met a gay person there. Ever. Her roomate has never actually met anyone who is gay. I made sure to introduce myself. So anyway, I walked into this party and I actually felt peoples eyes on me. Like lasers. Cutting into my flesh. I was avoided for the most part. Probably why I got so drunk. So I woudln’t be so fucking self conscious.

I was talking with my mother about all this and her reaction kind of startled me. She said something like, “I don’t know why you feel so oppressed all the time. What’s your problem?” Thanks mom.

Didn’t mean to rant so much about this but I just needed to get it out in the open somehow.


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