Awkward Tranny Shrug

I’ve got the “awkward tranny shrug”. Everybody sees it as bad posture. Everybody tries to correct said posture. There’s actually a reason behind the madness, which most of the time I don’t explain. I hate, hate, hate having boobs. Therefore, I do this thing where I slouch a lot so that my shirt hangs down enough to hide the evidence. My back is definitely paying a terrible price for this. No fun. I would stand up straight if I could. I mean, technically I can, but mentally I absolutely cannot. Does that make sense?

Most of the time, I can pass as a boy. I like this fact. I would like it more if I could pass as a boy and stand up tall (ish). I’ve tried ace bandages. They hurt. I’ve tried wearing a hell of a lot of layers. It’s hot and then I look fat. Solution? There are two that I can think of right now…

Solution 1. Surgery. NO WAY I could afford that anytime soon. Eventually it would be nice. But not an option at the moment.

Solution 2. A binder. Still can’t afford it right now, but more reasonable.

I hate to ask (being a charity case is not my kind of thing), but if you have some spare change laying around, I would totally appreciate it to go towards getting a binder.

Link to the right. Click it if you wanna.

Love, peace, and cookies.



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5 responses to “Awkward Tranny Shrug

  1. I’m not sure if you do this, though I would assume you don’t wear a girly bra or an underwire, but getting a sports bra that is a size or two too small can give a similar effect as a binder while being cheaper than a binder. Not sure if that helps, but it’s an idea.

  2. Donated! I hope you get enough money. Back problems are not cool.

  3. thebellandcollar

    If you don’t have one by the summer when you come and visit(or you would like another) I will SO make you a few! I think I know what your talking about, but send me some pics of what you want!

  4. Sorry I don’t have any change. I need some myself.

    J wore the Frog, and loved it! Good luck…

    (when I’ve had to bind for theatre, I use 2-3 sports bras, and then either vet tape, or gaffer’s tape).

  5. Jez- Have I mentioned lately that I love you?

    Essin’ em- Oh you theatre dork. Gaff tape!

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